Quality Content - Your advantage!
Virtual library
Here you can find the papers of ASK® content partners. If you require more specific
information, just use the keyword search facility or leaf through the eight main categories.
Research free of charge
The knowledge networks ASK® provides free keyword search in all content. Within
seconds you will find a great variety of free news articles and other usually chargeable papers and knowledge assets. You can hone in your search by entering several keywords.
Direct Download
News and many other content elements are free of charge. Chargeable papers and contents are also immediately available. These very exclusive specialist papers usually cost less then attending a specialist meeting or buying a magazine, or even less than the time you waste looking for the required information elsewhere.
Be inspired! Eight categories lead you from the homepage to many papers of the particular subject.
The Community
The expert network
In ASK papers and authors are closely linked and are exceptional in their expertise. All authors are experts in their field and form part of the ASK® Community.
With a picture and some personal information people become approachable - it will be easier to start an exchange on a professional level.
The authors decide who is allowed to communicate with them. The VIP-Lounge is their own communication café.
ASK® is also offering:
- Commentaries about papers
- Dialogue with experts
- Blogs for free exchange of opinions
- Forums in closed groups

Advantages for authors

Publications are like personal recommendations. Being mentioned in the best magazines and by the organisers of symposiums and professional seminars serves to enhance your personal online reputation. And this information is accessible to others, too.
Anyone who appears at the keyword sensitive investigation already gets into the focus of new customers.
Worldwide free access to your own papers. Who else can boast such an amazing filing system?
The access to your papers will be transparent. Authors can see which experts are really interested in.


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