"In ASK you can find selected high-quality articles 
 and experts related to important topics about the  
 environment. We ensure that knowledge - e.g.
 about the handling of organic waste - becomes                                         
 better distributed".
  Werner P. Bauer
About ASK
On this site we explain our goals, and on the advisory board we tell you who supports us. 

We point out the advantages for partners and define the relation between experts and authors under the heading "Content and Experts".
With "Advertise in ASK" we present the advantages of keyword advertising (cuADro) in ASK and inform you about the sizes of banners and skyscrapers.

ASK goals and procedure
The partners of ASK aim at preparing and disseminating selected high-quality knowledge in a standardized way. 

ASK cooperates with the leading protagonists of publishing houses, science and public authorities
(>> ASK Knowledge Pool).

The cooperation places emphasis on win-win

Advantages for members of the Community
By being part of the Community you may take Advantage of the following offers:
  • fast access to selected expertise (ASK is the most comprehensive compendium of the CleanTech Industry)
  • fast information about recent developments
  • own expert profile
  • reliable online Reputation through your own papers
  • contact with experts from 120 countries 
  • tools to improve your online presence
- add comments
- communicate with experts
- you can be found as an expert
By the way, about 1/3 of the papers in ASK are free of charge.

Jung von Matt:
"Brands are like lighthouses, they have to burn even more when there is fog!"
Community News
You want to purchase an article, but you do not have PayPal or a credit card? You can also become a Premium Member

Image: Fotolia

The 1st ASK-EU Advisory Board Meeting was held in connection with the CleanTech Waste and Water ThinkTank.

Please have a look!

In order to publish your commitment and reach your target group we put some space on our site at your disposal, which can be identified by the banner with the German word "Kommunikation".




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