Environmental-economic impact assessment of business models in the Austrian waste economy
© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2020)
The dynamic macroeconomic one-region and multi-sector model WIFO.DYNK (dynamic new-Keynesian) was adapted to model the employment and value-added impacts of the Austrian waste economy in this respect. It is based on the most recent input-output tables of Statistics Austria.

New Waste-to-Energy Facility Energy Works Hull, United Kingdom
© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (9/2016)
Energy Works Hull (the Project) is a milestone project for the UK’s waste and renewable energy sector. It will be one of the largest gasification facilities receiving MSW in the UK, indeed in Europe. It is one of the first advanced conversion technology Projects to receive its renewable electricity subsidies through a Contract for Difference, the mechanism by which the UK Government determined to move from Renewable Obligation Certificates following its Electricity Market Reform process. It also plays a significant part of the urban regeneration of the City of Hull. The level of community engagement and benefit has resulted in the project receiving a GBP19.9M grant from the European Union’s Regional Development Fund.

The Principle of Institutional (Un)Balance after Lisbon
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2014)
Case C-270/12 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 22 January 2014

Coordinating, Mandating, Monitoring
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (12/2013)
What Can the Post-2015 Climate Regime Learn From Global Financial Governance?

Regulatory Governance of Credit Rating Agencies in the EU: The Perils of Pursuing the Holy Grail of Rating Accuracy
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2013)
This paper argues that the EU Regulation of credit rating agencies is concurrently pursuing two objectives that conflict with and would undermine each other. One is the objective of enhancing rating accuracy, and the other is the objective of restoring market discipline in the wholesale investment markets for credit ratings as information goods. The Regulation places more emphasis on regulating for rating accuracy which has the effect of instituting a form of product regulation for credit ratings, raising the public interest profile of credit ratings. This paper argues that this is undesirable and is contrary to policy-makers’ endeavours to enhance market discipline for rating quality and the private accountability of credit rating agencies. EU policy-makers would eventually need to confront the underlying conflicting objectives in the Regulation so that a normatively coherent and consistent regulatory regime can be designed and implemented.

A New Legal Framework for EU Energy Infrastructure Development and Finance - Part II: Financial Framework
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (4/2013)
This contribution offers an analysis of the proposed energy infrastructure package of the EU, from a business practice point of view. The first two pillars are dealt with in a separate contribution in this issue: “Part I: Regulatory Framework” (p. 52–62).

Financing Solid Waste Management in Europe: EIB Approach
© NMC Ltd. (10/2011)
1. The European Investment Bank 2. EIB and the Environmental Sustainability 3. SWM: Policy and Drivers 4. SWM and Landfill Directive 5. SWM: Economic Value 6. SWM: Main Challenges 7. SWM: EIB´s Responses

Opportunities for Forest Finance: Compliance and Voluntary Markets
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (5/2011)
The implementation of funded afforestation, reforestation, sustainable forest management and avoided deforestation projects in developing countries needs to be increased. Implementation of such projects has the potential to deliver ecological benefits, social benefits and a means for reducing global green house gas emissions.

EIB financing of the EU municipal waste management projects
© NMC Ltd. (10/2010)
Within the period of last 8 years (2000-2007), the EIB signed loans dedicated to investments in municipal waste management facilities around 1,5 billion EUR sum. Nearly 1 billion EUR of the signed amount involves incineration. This represents 0. 3% of the total signed loans of EIB during that period. The projects are located mainly in the EU-15, notably FR, DK, IT, NL, UK and they often involve the efficient and combined heat and power plants. The average size of the loan amounts is around 45 million EUR which mainly target the medium-sized cities.

The Role of Regulatory Impact Assessment in Fighting Climate Change and the Economic Downturn: A EU-US Perspective
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (9/2010)
In times of low economic growth and post-Copenhagen climate talks, a number of reasons for regulatory competition and cooperation between the United States and the European Union coexist.

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