CATAOLEO Project: prevention of environmental impacts from the recycling of waste oils and fats and social inclusion of waste pickers in Brazil
© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2014)
Environmental concern involving the improper disposal of municipal solid waste - MSW in Brazil, and the implementation of National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS), is necessary to fulfill the hierarchy of management options set: 1) Non-generation, 2) a reduction 3 ) Reuse, 4) recycling; 5) waste treatment; 6) waste disposal.

Gaseous emissions reduction from aerobic MBT of municipal solid waste
© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
Surface gaseous emissions, composition of soil gas and VOC concentration were determined on a French MBT plant, where the biodegradation process is aerobic. Measurements were performed on both the composting windrows and on the landfill cell which receives the sorting rejects. This allowed the comparison of the global methane and CO2 gases, as well as the characterization of the degradation process on the different parts of the site. The performance of the sorting chain allow to obtain a highgrade compost, which can be valorised on agricultural fields, and leads to deposit much smaller quantities of degradable waste than in a classical landfill site, and to lowering seriously the generation of methane. Therefore, landfill gas (LFG) does not need to be recovered and treated by classical means, e.g. flares. keywords: aerobic MBT, gaseous emissions, landfill cell, surface flux, VOC 1 Introduction 2 Composting process 3 Material and methods 3.1 Surface fluxes measurements 3.2 Composition of biogas 3.3 Trace VOC emission 4 Results 4.1 Surface emissions of CH4 and CO2: comparison between the windrows and the landfill cell 4.2 Gas composition in the compost 4.3 Effect of windrow turning on the gas concentrations 4.4 Surface VOC emissions 4.4.1 Composition 4.4.2 Estimation of VOC surface fluxes 5 Conclusions

Results of the Twinning-project TR04/IB/EN/01 “Special Waste”
© Universität Stuttgart - ISWA (11/2008)
The project was carried out from November 2006 to May 2008 (30 months) and aimed at implementing four EC Directives in the field of Waste Oil, Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Terphenyls, End-of-Life Vehicles, and Used Batteries and Accumulators as well as at implementing the Commission Decision on a List of Wastes which constitutes the indispensable differentiation between hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Although the directives deal with very different issues, the link between them as a superior goal was the spirit of sustainable waste management and producer responsibility. The project was funded by the European Union.

© IWWG International Waste Working Group (10/2007)
Soils are the traditional materials for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill daily covers, but their performance is debatable, particularly in consumption of the valuable landfill space (Aivaliotis & al. 1995; Greedy 1995; Haughey 2001; Panagiotakopoulos and Dokas 2001; Aivaliotis & al. 2004) and in contribution to waste mass hydraulic heterogeneity and instability (Hancock & al. 1999, Jang 2000, Dixon and Jones 2005). The use of waste materials, which should be disposed of to landfills, as landfill daily covers encourages the practice of waste recycling and thereby prolongs the life of existing landfills. In addition, it also provides a practical solution to places where suitable soils are not readily available.

Codis 2008; Compost and digestate: sustainability, benefits, impacts for the environment and for plant production
© Knoten Weimar - Internationale Transferstelle Umwelttechnologien (5/2007)
International congress in Solothurn, Switzerland 27th – 29th February, 2008

Remediation of Leachate Contaminated Groundwater in Unconfined Aquifer by MSL System
© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2006)
The Mae-Hia disposal site that covers 12 ha, was used as a waste dump for Chiang Mai municipal wastes during 1958 until 1989.

Risk Assessment of old Deposits – Practical Experiences
© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2006)
Former waste disposal sites (FWS) are a widespread problem. Unknown risk potentials and the lack of documentation leads to restrictions in the regional planning.

Gaseous Emissions at Landfill Sites with technical Barrier and Methane Oxidation Cover
© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2006)
The department of air pollution control of the NUA Umweltanalytik GmbH has been conducting studies of gaseous emissions at the surface of municipial solid waste landfills.

Thermal Treatment of Waste Fuels in Fluidised Bed Boilers
© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2006)
In most countries, the regulations for landfill are getting stricter and stricter these days and as a consequence treatment of municipal and industrial waste materials will become more important.

Phragmites Australis as Alternative Fuel for Clinker Production
© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2006)
Due to tough competition the cement industry in Middle Europe was looking and is still looking for options to utilize alternative fuels.

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