Multifunctional Spaces for Flood Management – an Approach for the City of Hamburg, Germany
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2012)
If design criterion of sewer systems is exceeded, sewer overflow and flooding of streets and properties with tremendous damage can be the consequence. Taking the risks and consequences of climate change into account, in combination with increasing surface sealing, the City of Hamburg has to face an increase of sewer overflow and flooding of streets. A broadly discussed approach for flooding problems caused by sewer overflow and surface run-off during extreme precipitation events among urban drainage planners is the implementation of multifunctional spaces as a risk prevention measure. Within the project RISA – Rain InfraStructure Adaption, HAMBURG WASSER and the State Ministry for Urban Development and Environment of Hamburg initiated pilot projects to analyze chances and opportunities for multifunctional spaces under existing conditions.

Urbanization and Rainfall Pattern Change in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2012)
Urbanization which has been taking place for decades in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), Thailand, showed a rapid increment of the number population in the area since 1947. About 45 percent of BMA land area is urbanized area. Corresponding to the urbanization in BMA area, analysis stability of mean which is conducted shows an increasing trend of daily, monthly, and annual rainfall in the area during 1969 up to 2007. The increasing rate which is observed in three rainfall stations is varied from 6 up to 20 percent. This condition is strongly related to increasing annual total wet day (PRCPTOT), increasing annual number of consecutive wet days (CWD) and decreasing annual number of dry days (CDD) which is analyzed using Mann Kendall’s test. The superimposition of isohyets of monthly rainfall and monthly electricity use in the area shows that the highest rainfall did not fall in the area with the highest electricity use.

Comparison of IMS-Free and IMS Real-Time PCR Detection of Giardia lamblia from Surface Water
© PSP - Parlar Scientific Publications (12/2010)
Giardia lamblia is one of the most important waterborne pathogenic protozoa. Its occurrence in source and drinking water threatens human health seriously. In this study, four quantitative real-time PCR protocols involving Envirochek filtration, flat membrane filtration, immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and IMS-free separation to detect G. lamblia from surface water were compared.

Sanitary Engineering Structure and Prerequisite in Minas Gerais, Brazil
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (8/2010)
Introducing a Decentralised Water Treatment Plant

Environmental forensic investigation of golden rain event in Kaohsiung City, southern Taiwan
© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
Integrated forensic investigation methods were utilized to clarify a golden rain event which occurred in Kaohsiung City, southern Taiwan. It was concluded that bee drop (excretion) was the reason to cause the pollution. Negative Escherichia coli analytic results indicated that human excrete was not the cause of golden rain. GC/MS fingerprinting comparison between the specimen and various types of jet fuels and diesels also excluded the possibility of airplane engine related discharges.

Use of resistance welding for PE pipes in large DNs up to d = 710 mm
© Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (4/2004)
PE pipes have been in use, producing extremely good results, for practically fifty years now. Polyethylene is now a well established material for gas and water supply systems, and also in the fields of waste-water disposal, drains and sewers, and a large range of other industrial applications.

The Perspective of Solid Waste Management and Landfill Technology in Indonesia
© LGA Bautechnik GmbH (4/2004)
The urban areas in western Java alone generate 55 000 tons of solid waste per day. Waste disposal is among the worst in the Asia region. Only 50 – 60 % is collected, and most landfill sites are open dumps. Service is worse in poor areas, where most waste is dumped in canals or vacant lots, or burned. Poor solid waste management degrades local water ways and is the largest source of particulate air pollution in urban areas. It is a major contributor to respiratory ailments, diseases such as Dengue Fever, and localized flooding.

Long-term oberservation of the performance of a mineral landfill cover
© LGA Bautechnik GmbH (2/2004)
The water balance of a landfill cover consisting of compacted sandy loam was monitored in a test-field on the municipal landfill at Aurach (Bavaria/Germany). Results of the 4-years monitoring period are presented. During summer months almost no liner leakage occurrs. Precipitation is stored temporarily in the soil cover and subsequently leaves the system via evapotranspiration.

A new Installation for Road Runoff Treatment; Up-flow Filtration through Porous Polypropylene Media
© TU München - Lehrstuhl für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (2/2003)
Usage of a new device applying a sedimentation and an up-flow filtration process to treat the runoff from a roadway surface.

Necessity and Chances of Decentralized Sanitation and Reuse from the Point of a Country with Water Shortage
© TU München - Lehrstuhl für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (9/2002)
As many countries are suffering from water shortage, especially those in North Africa and the Middle East, municipal and industrial wastewater collection and treatment will provide an enormous market in the future.



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