Messages from the International Resilience Workshop© Institute for Earth System Preservation (IESP) (4/2012)
On March 28 to 30, 2012, a group of 47 scientists, representatives from regulatory agencies, NGOs, businesses and from media assembled in Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany, to explore whether and to what extent the resilience theory is applicable to sustainable development in general and in particular to finding solutions to tackle global warming, resource limitation, loss of biodiversity and human well being.
Municipal solid waste composition and assessment: a cases tudy in Kocaeli, Turkey© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
Composition of municipal wastes as well as projection of waste-generation and -disposal rates is need to plan and implement disposal and recycling activities. The primary objectives of the study are to characterize and evaluate the recycling potentials of the municipal solid waste. Waste sorts were conducted during the summer and winter of 2008 at the City of Kocaeli. A detailed physical sampling protocol was outlined. Weight fractions of 17 waste components were quantified from all geographic areas that contribute to the Kocaeli Sanitary Landfills. Each region was divided into four groups, i.e., lowincome, middle-income, high-income and commercial district. Comparisons of solid waste generated between locations and seasons were conducted. The composition of the entire waste stream was organic wastes (38 – 41%), recyclable items (26 – 38%), combustible wastes (15 – 22%), hazardous wastes (1 – 2%), and others (3 – 12%).
Municipal solid wastes, solid waste composition, recycling
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results and discussion
4. Conclusions
Multiplexed NIR spectroscopic Sensors and NIR spectroscopic Imaging: Two Solutions for Sensor based Waste Sorting in Comparison© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
Recently hyperspectral NIR imaging systems, which work without optical multiplexers and handle 256 tracks at scan rates of up to 330Hz, have been eveloped. However, they have a reduced dynamic range of 12 Bit and detect only the shortwave NIR spectral range up to 1.76m, which may limit the possible applications. At belt widths of up to 2 meters these new systems can be used for sorting standard plastics as well as plastic flakes >5mm.
The article compares the advantages and limitations of both systems and demonstrates the fields of use on the basis of practice-oriented examples.
Plastic, sorting, hyperspectral, multispectral, imaging, near infrared, NIR, sensor
1 Plastic identification with NIR
2 NIR-sensors
3 Identification of PET-bottles with different plastic labels
4 Combined NIR- and colour recognition with KustaMPL
5 Sorting of shreddered electronic waste (WEEE) with KustaMSI
6 Conclusion and prospects
The Latest Generation of RTO Plants© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
The deadline for implementing the 30th BImSchV (German Federal Immission Control Ordinance) for mechanical biological waste treatment has expired. In the meantime, the exhaust air cleaning plants (thermal post-combustion and biological systems) have been in operation for up to four years. Operating experience regarding compliance with the limit values, corrosion issues and difficulties due to siloxanes exists and will be presented in this essay. In particular, practical examples of operational RTO systems optimized for applications in the MBT field will be introduced.
Regenerative thermal oxidation plants, 30th BImSchV, German Federal Immission Control Ordinance, siloxanes, corrosion, mechanical-biological waste treatment
1 Reduction of Emissions for MBT Plants
2 Compliance with Limit Values
3 Deposits in RTO Plants
4 Corrosion Issues
5 Prospective Outlook
Rehabilitation of leachate collection systems and control shafts of landfills© Wasteconsult International (12/2006)
High loads, leachate, landfill gas and high temperatures will stress technical installations on landfills for leachate collection. Leachate collection systems (LCS) consist of drainage and transport pipes and control shafts, situated at exposed positions. This stress on the system may cause accelerated deterioration and damage to the LCS.