Large-Scale Composting of Biowaste and Bio-Organics from MSW by using the TAIM WESER Composting System© Wasteconsult International (5/2011)
Since almost two decades TAIM WESER GmbH (former WESER-ENGINEERING GmbH) is designing, building and commissioning composting-plants for treating curbside collected biowaste as well as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in order to produce high quality compost for agricultural use or compost like output, a compost suitable to be used for e.g. road-greens, parks, re-greening of brown-fields or to fight against desertification in arid areas.
Biomass Wastes-to-Energy in China – Biogas from Landfills or
Anaerobic Digestion Plants?© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2010)
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in China has acknowledged that till 2050 up to one third of three billion tons of coal per year could be replaced by biomass energy in China. Renewable Energy from biomass waste is one of the pillars in China’s long term power supply strategy, targeting 15% renewable energy generation or about 600 GW in 2020. Landfill gas, including biogas from waste water treatment plants and from agriculture biogas plants are seen as the main sources (NDRC 2007).
"At first, they just smiled at us": PVC window recycling pays off© Deutscher Fachverlag (DFV) (6/2010)
Apparently, recycling worn out PVC windows and doors pays off - at least for Veka Umwelttechnik GmbH. The eastern German company recently put its second recycling line into operation and is considered a specialist in the window recycling industry.
The Thermal Waste Utilisation Plant MSZ3 Moscow as an Example of Implementing and Operating a Combined Heat and Power Plant© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
EVN AG is a leading utility that provides energy and environmental services on an international scale. Domiciled in Lower Austria, the largest state of Austria, it is listed on the Austrian stock exchange. With its energy sector, EVN operates not just in Austria but has successfully expanded to Bulgaria and Macedonia. For its environmental services, EVN has acquired considerable expertise in Austria and in many countries in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. EVN supplies electricity, gas, heating and clean drinking water to its customers and takes care of proper sewage disposal and ecological garbage treatment.
Municipal solid waste incineration in Milano (Italy)© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
Since 1907 Amsa company operated in the city of Milano in the solid waste collection and disposal business. Established as a private company, in 1958 became totally public, owned by the Municipality of Milano. Other city public services, like gas and potable water distribution, sewage operation, electric power distribution and public transportation were given to several separated companies.
Project Implementation and Project-related Quality Management© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
In certain respects, every project is unique: The problem, the technical and financial framework conditions, the solution-approaches, the parties involved and the time frame are different with every project. And yet most projects also have certain similarities which can be summarised into models and systematic sequences in terms of a synthesis.
Stumbling Blocks on the Way to Realisation of WtE-plants in Poland© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
Poland has a municipal waste generation of close to 12 million Mg per year [1]. Only the Western European countries like Germany, United Kingdom and France have higher waste arisings. But the generation of municipal waste per capita is very low in relation to other European countries.
Projects as a General Contractor© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
Projects are as varied as the customers and builder-owners who want to realise them. A small project might be the construction of a summer house, for instance: you choose, order and pay for the summer house (figure 1). The material is then delivered. You decide to put up the summer house yourself.You have purchased the materials and completed the construction yourself. You have carried out a small investment project which you have realised yourself. In another project you decide to extend your house.