Bio-stabilization of municipal solid waste prior to landfill: Environmental and economic assessment
© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
The bio-stabilization included 16 days of active stage with enhanced aeration and 84 days of curing stage. The results showed that MSW weight was reduced by nearly 85% and MSW stability improved, with respiration activity (AT4) and anaerobic gas production (GB21) being reduced by 93% and 87%, respectively. The dramatic degradation of organic matter occurred in the active stage of bio-stabilization. Based on the bio-stabilization results, the economic and environmental analysis was conducted following 3 scenarios: the conventional landfill (CL), the combination of active stage of bio-stabilization and subsequent sanitary landfill (AL), and the combination of both active and curing stage of bio-stabilization and subsequent sanitary landfill (ACL). The results showed that AL could substantially save land resource and mitigate landfill pollutions, and the costs of AL would be the lowest as well. Keywords: Municipal solid waste, Bio-stabilization, Landfill, Environmental and economic analysis 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 3 Result 3.1 MSW weight 3.2 Volatile solid 3.3 Leachate test 3.4 Biological stability 4 Environmental and Economic Analysis 4.1 Scenarios 4.2 Land area saving 4.3 Environmental pollutions estimate 4.4 Economical benefit and cost 5 Conclusion



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