In seconds on-line measurement techniques for liquids, pastes, gases and vapours
© Wasteconsult International (5/2017)
Chemicals with almost all functional groups absorb in the near infrared spectral range. This fact does not only allow the measurement of composition of basic mixtures, but also the determination of colligative properties of complex mixtures, like the calorific value of waste.

Production and Application of Refuse Derived Fuels in Austria
© Wasteconsult International (5/2011)
The contribution reports on Austrian experience in processing, quality control and industrial application of refuse derived fuels (RDF) in co-incineration facilities as well as potential problems such as fire risks and plant corrosion.

Processing and energy recovery of high calorific M(B)T fractions in Germany
© Wasteconsult International (5/2011)
In Germany, there are currently existing 46 MBT-Plants and about 20 up to 30 MTPlants operating a total capacity of around 8 million tons. Most of the plants meanwhile possess about almost 6 years operating experience and became an important part of Germany's waste industry.

Heating value of residues and waste derived fuels from different waste treatment methods
© Wasteconsult International (5/2011)
Prevention of waste production at source, recycling of packaging waste and processing the organics are the main parts of the Hellenic waste management strategy. In the meanwhile recycling of packaging wastes may be compatible with incineration within integrated waste management systems.

Reutilisation of green waste – a comparison of its recycling for energy generation purposes versus composting and peat substitution, with particular consideration of the CO2 balance.
© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (10/2008)
Green waste is increasingly extracted from the material recycling process and, as a result of the financial subsidy arising from the German Renewable Energy Law [Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG)] for the generation of energy from sustainable raw materials, it is fed into the energy recovery process in biomass power stations.

Bioreactor and conventional landfill: IFG modelling after three management years of two compared cells in Sonzay, France
© IWWG International Waste Working Group (10/2007)
The experiences lead until now with in situ leachate reinjection have always confirmed a theory that is spread hrough the waste management research circle: bioreactor degrades biodegradable waste more rapidly than traditional landfill does, but the important question is “how much faster?” This answer, even if it could be foreseen with several modelizations, shall never be ensured until confirmed by many full scale experiments. The aim of the work presented in this publication is to elaborate and validate a forward-looking model able to compare the landfill bioreactor cell located in the site of Sonzay (France), operated with the leachate reinjection technique, with another cell of the same site run as a traditional landfill (called witness cell).



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