The Sun Shines on India? – A Review of the Implementation and Financial Continuum of the National Solar Mission© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2/2013)
Renewable energy is high on the agenda of the Indian government at present and it has gained a strong momentum through the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and the sub-missions of the NAPCCC, like the National Solar Mission and National Mission on Sustainable Habitat. Renewable energy sources (RES) have long been recognized for their potential as environmentally friendly, versatile and sustainable energy alternatives for both rural and urban areas in India. Of all, solar energy seems to be one of the promising renewable energy (RE) markets with its underutilized manufacturing potential and significant capacities. Millions of stand photovoltaic (PV) systems aggregating to more than 1000 MW by the end of 2012 have been installed in the country. Solar water heating systems with a collector area of 2 million m2 have been mounted in addition to 1 million solar cookers. Still, solar energy is not the most popular source of renewable energy in India, due to the high costs of the systems, as well as the issues surrounding information and awareness and financial viability. This paper explores the implementation of the National Solar Mission in India and the subsequent paradigm shift in market development by identifying the impediments to policy and financial performance and offering some suggestions for overcoming them.
„Brownfield Sites – New Energies“: Feasibility Studies Concerning the Construction of Solar Power Systems on Former Disposal Sites© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2012)
Bavarian politics defined a heavy increase of renewal energies until the year 2021 in their concept about innovative energies. Solar power systems inhibit an important role within this concept. Thus, solar power systems shall produce about 16 % of the Bavarian energy production until 2021. The construction of solar power systems on former contaminated land sites and disposal sites shall be supported through special measures. Therefore, the support programme „brownfield sites – new energies" has been created. In a first step a number of potential sites shall be identified. Different projects have been defined on this behalf by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health (StMUG), where the GAB is in charge of the project management.
Combining WTE and Solar Power – New Solutions for Sustainable Energy Generation –© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (10/2012)
The transition to renewable energy production in Europe poses a significant challenge: According to EU directives, renewable energies should reach at least 20 % of final energy consumption by 2020. In order to achieve this goal, all sectors of the economy should work on the development of new integrated concepts in order to ensure a climate-friendly energy supply in the future.
International harmonization of standards for solar thermal collectors© Editorial OMNIMEDIA S.L. (5/2012)
The testing and characterization procedures for solar thermal (ST) collectors and components have been investigated since the beginning of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating & Cooling Programme (SHC). Since then, the developed performance tests and short-term tests to predict long term durability have been mainly focused on low temperature collectors, like flat plate and evacuated tube, under well-defined standard test conditions.
Solar power in the UAE© Editorial OMNIMEDIA S.L. (5/2012)
On a per capita basis, UAE residents consume more electricity than almost anyone else on the planet – certainly much more than people in Europe, Asia or North America. Alarmingly, our consumption is climbing higher and higher. In 2011, peak electricity demand in Abu Dhabi grew by almost 14%, one of the highest in the world. And according to official government forecasts, demand is expected to continue growing by over 10% until at least 2019.
Trends in public subsidies and incentives around the solar industry in the world© Editorial OMNIMEDIA S.L. (5/2012)
The international experts say that attempting to accelerate a transition to a low-carbon economy is expensive and risky. Policymakers need to realize that achieving a transition with governmentaided commercialization programs will require putting billions of taxpayer dollars at risk, often in a high-profile way.