Large-Scale Electricity Supergrids and the Transition to Electricity From Renewable
Sources© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (9/2012)
The decarbonisation of our electricity supply, which accounts for a quarter of our CO2 emissions, is crucial to achieving substantial cuts in our greenhouse gas emissions. This article will explore the concept of large-scale electricity supergrids as a way of integrating variable and often remote sources of renewable energy into our power supply. Europe and the surrounding regions will be considered as an example of an area that could have such a grid. It will then discuss the political challenge involved and how to tackle it, and finish by considering which other regions around the world could also have a long-distance renewable energy grid.
The path to your own power distribution grid© Editorial OMNIMEDIA S.L. (5/2012)
Off-grid systems on AC basis open up new possibilities for providing a stable and powerful energy supply independent of the power distribution grid. This kind of stand-alone network not only provides the customary supply quality usually associated with power distribution grids. Due to its modular structure, it is also very simple to install and can be expanded freely. Through the integration of renewable energy sources which avoid fuel costs and are steadily becoming more economically viable, such systems are today already more cost-effective than conventional systems running on diesel generators.
3. Other Forms of Energy, EQF 4 Premium© AIRE (Adapting and installing an international vocational training for renewable energy) (1/2012)
Which knowledge, skills and competences does an AIRE specialist need as far as usual forms of energy are concerned?
Energy Directive 2009/28/EC of 23 April 2009© AIRE (Adapting and installing an international vocational training for renewable energy) (1/2012)
Directive on promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and ... on the qualified labour needed in order to implement this directive.
3. Other Forms of Energy, EQF 3 Premium© AIRE (Adapting and installing an international vocational training for renewable energy) (1/2012)
Which knowledge, skills and competences does an AIRE specialist need as far as usual forms of energy are concerned?
The Thermal Waste Utilisation Plant MSZ3 Moscow as an Example of Implementing and Operating a Combined Heat and Power Plant© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
EVN AG is a leading utility that provides energy and environmental services on an international scale. Domiciled in Lower Austria, the largest state of Austria, it is listed on the Austrian stock exchange. With its energy sector, EVN operates not just in Austria but has successfully expanded to Bulgaria and Macedonia. For its environmental services, EVN has acquired considerable expertise in Austria and in many countries in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. EVN supplies electricity, gas, heating and clean drinking water to its customers and takes care of proper sewage disposal and ecological garbage treatment.