Fukushima Fixation – The Media Focus on Radiation Risk in Tsunami-Stricken Japan
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2011)
Twenty five years on from Chernobyl, the tragic events in Japan of March 2011 seem to reaffirm the risk society’ perspective which the 1986 nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union did so much to popularise. It was amidst widespread predictions of mass harm – projected both across Europe and into the future – that German sociologist Ulrich Beck’s book of the same name found such a receptive audience. Beck wrote of a new era defined by the greater risk posed by ‘manufactured’, technological risk than natural, ‘external’ ones.

Regulating Catastrophic Risks by Standards
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2/2011)
This article analyses the role played by standards of protection in the regulation of catastrophic risks. It examines how to protect people against the occurrence of catastrophic events, considering that the related risk is highly uncertain and difficult to predict using rational methodologies. In this perspective, the article focuses on environmental risks and terrorist threats affecting common goods – namely environment and security – areas where any damage is susceptible to producing ruinous effects and huge casualties.

On Global Treaty Relations – Hurdles on the Way towards a Universal Civil Nuclear Liability Regime
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (1/2009)
„A special regime for third party liability should as far as possible provide a uniform system for all Western European countries. The effects and repercussions of a nuclear incident will not stop at political or geographical frontiers and it is highly desirable that persons on one side of a frontier should be no less well protected than persons on the other side. For these reasons, an international agreement setting up such a regime is desirable. Such an agreement, supplementing the measures applied in the related and important fields of public health and safety and the prevention of accidents, may also facilitate the solution of third party liability problems at a national level.“



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