Investigations of Site-Contaminations in China: Initial Site-Contamination-Investigation and -Remediation in China© Deutscher Fachverlag (DFV) (6/2010)
Currently in China there is proceeding a serious intensification of the environmental law relating to future critical limit values and the obligation of accompanying measures. Also in China the assessment of possible financial relevant features of sites like hazardous waste contaminations and groundwater pollution is becoming more important. Nowerdays, the investigation concerning contaminations of sites in China is becoming necessary and interesting for German investors. Meanwhile, in the course of all-embracing Due-Diligence-examinations for site assessments in China for a German investor the R&H Umwelt GmbH from Nuremberg/Germany (R&H) already has performed several initial site-contamination-investigations including the initial investigation of the building-substance on industrial sites.
Hard work for the microbes: Soil remediation in a tank farm© Deutscher Fachverlag (DFV) (6/2010)
In a tank farm in Belém (Brazil) the soil was found to be highly contaminated. With the help of a biological process this soil is remediated by microbes and then reused at the site. Because the process was originally developed in Germany, it had to be adapted to suit the local climate. The entire operating crew are subject to the tank farm's technical safety regulations, which comply with international standards and are strictly implemented.
Road Planning in Europe – a Case Study (Part II)*© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2/2007)
The following text contains the third and last section of the general report on national road planning procedures in the EU which originally was compiled as discussion paper for the 20th colloquium of the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union. (Part 1 including the underlying case was ublished in JEEPL6/2006, pp. 519-534)
Activating Spatial Planning Law: Options for the Reduction of Land Consumption© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2/2007)
The German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) commissioned the Department of Environmental and Planning Law of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ to analyse the capacity of spatial planning law to reduce land consumption, particularly inquiring into the specific shortcomings of the applicable provisions and making recommendations as to how the legal frame could be made more effective.
From Waste to Soil: Prozesserde®, Top Soil Material© Wasteconsult International (12/2006)
The process described below is called Prozesserde® – (Waste-to-Soil). This innovative process enables us to utilise several municipal and industrial waste streams to our advantage in converting this waste into a quality soil. The utilisation of this Prozesserde® – Waste-to-Soil process, would allow for the recovery and subsequent recycling of unwanted waste. The immediate introduction of this high-quality controlled process into Germany and the rest of Europe would provide for the Waste-Cycle Management programme in synergy with the European Member States current developments. The Objective is: The Protection of Our Environment.
"World wide movement of organic matter - a South- North one-way flow?"© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (9/2006)
Global flow of organic materials from agriculture and forestry is not a closed cycle in many parts and ecosystems of this earth. Sources originate and decline, some regions become rich in organic matter whereas other regions show deficits.
Monitoring of Agricultural Soils in the Czech Republic© Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (5/2006)
Ein Netz der Dauerbeobachtungsflächen auf den landwirtschaftlichen Böden in Tschechien wurde im Jahre 1992 gegründet. Heute handelt sich um 216 Standorte. Die Bodenproben werden drei Schemen nach entnommen: Es geben einmalige, grundlegende und jährliche Entnahmen. Der Gehalt der Risikoelemente wird in den Proben aus grundlegenden, Gehalt der organischen Schadstoffe aus den jährlichen Entnahmen festgestellt.
The soil monitoring along the Czech and Bavarian border© Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (5/2006)
Based on professional experience the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (CISTA) in the Czech Republic together with the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU) (previously Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt),started a joint project in the frame of the EU-INTERREG program. The main aim of this project is the transfer and implementation of the Bavarian soil monitoring grid on the Czech territory.