Digital Quality Management Systems for Sustainability in Food Economy© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2023)
I. Thematic Framework
The implementation of sustainability-related regulatory requirements for the food economy is in the midst of a phase of digital transformation. Impending disruptive innovation leaps can grant companies decisive competitive advantages in this respect and increase the efficiency of corporatemanagement
as well as the companies sustainability performance.
The Constitutional Foundation and Limitation of the Environmental Levy in Taiwan© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (9/2022)
Environmental protection is one of emerging tasks for modern countries. It has been suggested that social, economic, and technological development and advancement are built on the utilization or consumption of (limited) resources, which simultaneously destruct and damage the environmental conditions fundamental to human life. Consequently, how to reduce, decrease or even avoid more destructions to the living conditions have gradually become the subject of environmental protection legislation.
Ecological and economic benefits of compost and digestate products© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2014)
European soils are systematically degrading. The European Soil Strategy urges more attention to the need for organic matter in soil: 45% of the soils in Europe show a lack of organic matter. This is also a problem in Flanders: almost 50% of the soils are below the target of organic matter. A range of measures is necessary for restoring the organic matter content: green manures, crop residues, organic fertilizer and soil improvers will all be needed. It is therefore of great importance that in the future sufficiently high amounts of quality composts and digestate products are produced, because these have shown to be excellent sources of stable organic matter and/or contribute to the soil fertility and food supply.
Geoengineering a Future for Humankind: Some Technical and Ethical Considerations© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (9/2012)
The term “geoengineering” relates to the various strategies and techniques aimed at containing and, in some cases, reversing the effects of anthropogenic and other forms of environmental degradation. These strategies and techniques range from the fairly innocuous to the highly scientifically and politically controversial. Given the transboundary effect of environmental degradation and the urgency that this creates, the concerted efforts of the international community are indispensable to usefully enlist whatever benefits geoengineering is capable of offering. However, serious obstacles stand in the way of the international community acting in unison. This paper seeks to outline the various contentious issues regarding geoengineering that arise in relation to its ethical, technological, political, and trade-related legal dimensions. Along with State actors, it is likely that this field of activity would be highly reliant on market mechanisms to deliver the technological solutions and capital investment that are necessary. Clear rules in relation to how these strategies and techniques ought to be governed are in urgent need. Rules should not be limited to the governance aspects, but should also provide for the commercial use of geoengineering.
MANEV life+ project for manure management in Europe: composting in the region of Murcia, Spain© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2012)
The objective of the project is to demonstrate that both the use of treatment technology and an environmentally correct management scheme of pig manure can contribute to a reduction of GHG emissions and simultaneously improve the farmers’ sustainability.
Further authors:
S. PĂ©rez-Balibrea, J. LĂłpez-Carratalá, M.A. Bustamante - Centro de EdafologĂa y BiologĂa Aplicada del Segura, Spain
The FOOTPRINT software tools: Pesticide risk assessment and management in the EU at different spatial scales© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
In the EU-project FOOTPRINT three pesticide risk assessment and management tools were developed, for use at different spatial scales. The three FOOTPRINT tools share the same underlying science, based on the consistent identification of environmental characteristics driving the fate of agriculturally applied pesticides and their interpretation to parameterise state of the art modelling applications thus providing an integrated solution to pesticide risk assessment and management in the EU.
The Changing Climate for United States Law© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (9/2007)
Just a few years ago, the subject of American climate change law would not merit an article like this one, let alone the book that the American Bar Association has recently published on the subject. But the United States has changed, at least somewhat. At the moment, most important United States climate change law consists of state and local law, but there are signs that the federal government may create significant climate change law as well, at least after President Bush leaves office.
Road Planning in Europe – a Case Study (Part II)*© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2/2007)
The following text contains the third and last section of the general report on national road planning procedures in the EU which originally was compiled as discussion paper for the 20th colloquium of the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union. (Part 1 including the underlying case was ublished in JEEPL6/2006, pp. 519-534)
Effects of separate collection efficiency on the costs of the msw management system – a case study Premium© IWWG International Waste Working Group (11/2006)
A study on the effects of the separate collection efficiency on the reduction of the content of biodegradable organic matter in the municipal solid waste residual fractions (Residual Municipal Solid Waste, RMSW) and on the resultant costs of the waste management system is presented in the paper. A low efficiency of separate collection of biowaste could result in the need of an intermediate mechanical-biological pre-treatment which affects the overall costs of the MSW management system, where a key role will be played by a new thermal waste to energy (WTE) plant.